phoenix R package and Python Module


Peter E. DeWitt


October 2, 2024

Earlier this year I published an R package, Python module, and example SQL code for implementing the Phoenix sepsis criteria.

The Phoenix criteria is the new standard diagnostic criteria for pediatric sepsis. Papers on the international consensus and development of the Phoenix criteria were published in JAMA in January of 2024.

The R package, Python module, and example SQL code, were written for two reasons:

  1. I know I will need to apply the Phoenix criteria to many more data sets and I will benefit from having a package that already has the criteria defined.

  2. To provide other analysts with a way to apply the Phoenix criteria to their data sets with no ambiguity in the implementation.

There was one task as part of the development of Phoenix that I was frustrated by–implementing existing organ dysfunction and sepsis scores. The implementation wasn’t difficult from a coding point-of-view, it was difficult in understanding the edge cases which tended to not be well defined in the publications. In my discussions with clinical experts, I found that what was completely clear to the clinician was marginally ambiguous to the person writing the code.

An example of this ambiguity between clinician and coder was in the implementation of the Lactate scoring from the PELOD-2 which was ultimately adapted as part of the Phoenix criteria.

Below is PELOD-2 reported criteria (see table 1 in the published manuscript) along with a couple alternative notations.

0 Points 1 Point 2 Points
PELOD-2 Lactate < 5 mmol/L Lactate 5-10.9 mmol/L Lactate ≥ 11 mmol/L
alternative 1 Lactate < 5 mmol/L 5 mmol/L ≤ Lactate < 11 mmol/L Lactate ≥ 11 mmol/L
alternative 2 Lactate \(\in (-\infty, 5)\) mmol/L Lactate \(\in [5, 11)\) mmol/L Lactate \(\in [11, \infty)\) mmol/L

A couple things I want to point out. The different between 0 and 1 point implicitly defines 5 mmol/L as 1 point due to the strict inequality for 0 points. That’s fine, and quite common in the literature for other organ dysfunction scores. The difference between 1 and 2 points is mildly ambiguous. Given that 2 points is defined as greater than or equal to 11 mmol/L then the implication that strictly less than 11 mmol/L (and greater or equal to 5 mmol/L) is 1 point. So yes, the PELOD-2 definition is complete, but it requires a little bit of active and critical thinking to correctly implement.

In my discussions with clinicians, Lactate is only really known, at least in their experience, to one decimal place and a negative value would just be ignored, as would an implausibly large value. So, at the bedside, the definition is clear and complete.

However, in the data set we had form 10 hospital system from North America, South America, Asia, and Africa, the majority only reported Lactate to one decimal point. However, there were some hospital systems, and many reported lab results were Lactate \(\in (10.9, 11.0)\) mmol/L. What are the rounding rules to use?

To alleviate the ambiguity and provide the needed detail to the analysis with zero medical knowledge, I prefer the alternative 2 notation. This is complete and covers all possible values, cut points, and even impossible values.

That said, the need to have the explicit lower bound is not necessary. The development of Phoenix mapped missing values, a negative Lactate is not possible and could be considered a missing value, map to scores of zero. So alternative 1 might be the best notation, for the scoring. Alternative 1 has the advantage of being complete in that someone could implement the scoring for 1 point with out having to know anything about the scoring rules for 0 or 2 points.

That all said, the actual implementation for the lactate scores is extremely simple:

# R
lct_score <- (lct >= 11) + (lct >= 5)
# python
lct_score = (lct >= 11).astype(int) + (lct >= 5).astype(int)
CASE WHEN lactate >= 11 THEN 2
     WHEN lactate >=  5 THEN 1
     ELSE 0 END AS lactate_points

Okay, stepping off my ridicules soap box. The table published in the PELOD-2 manuscript and the JAMA publications for Phoenix are sufficient and consistent with other published organ dysfunction scoring tables. I just didn’t like having to think so hard and try to find additional detail to know if I was correctly rounding, or working with the cut points as intended.

As one of the primary data analysts on the team that developed the Phoenix score, I know exactly how the scoring criteria were implemented. By providing a code base that implements the scoring consistent with development scoring, any ambiguity in the published tables can be ignored as the code will just take care of it.

The phoenix R package

At the time of writing this post, version 1.1.0 of the phoenix package is available on CRAN.


Within the package there is an example data set called “sepsis” used for examples. It is a data.frame with 20 rows of 27 variables. Review the documentation for details on each of the variables.


Here is an example of applying the cardiovascular scoring. The score ranges from 0 to 6 points and considers three areas.

First, is the patient on any vasocative medications? 0 points for no medications, 1 point for one medication, and 2 points for two or more medications. The set of possible medications is dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, milrinone, norepinephrine, and vasopressin. A notable difference from Phoenix and other cardiovascular dysfunction scores based on medications, is that the dosage and the specific medication is not relevant to Phoenix. The reason for this is that the Phoenix criteria needed to be applicable to high- and middle- or low-resourced environments. Some places may not have access to all six medications, in our development set there was a site with only three of the six, a couple sites with only four of the six. If the specific medications were considered then the sites that did not have the medication would artificially have less ill patients. Phoenix avoids this problem by just counting the medications. Additionally, other cardiovascular dysfunction scores considered the dosage of the medications. The units for the dosage, generally μg/kg/min, was not consistently report either.

Next, lactate values contribute 0, 1, or 2 points, as noted above.

Lastly, age adjusted mean arterial pressures (MAP) contributes another 0, 1, or 2 points.

Full details on the scoring can be found in the documentation for the phoenix_cardiovascular scoring function and the published manuscripts.

card_example <-
  sepsis[c("pid", "dobutamine", "dopamine", "epinephrine", "milrinone",
           "norepinephrine", "vasopressin", "lactate", "dbp", "sbp", "age")]

card_example$score <-
    vasoactives = dobutamine + dopamine + epinephrine +
                  milrinone + norepinephrine + vasopressin,
    lactate     = lactate,
    age         = age,
    map         = map(sbp = sbp, dbp = dbp),
    data        = sepsis)

   pid dobutamine dopamine epinephrine milrinone norepinephrine vasopressin
1    1          1        1           1         1              0           0
2    2          0        1           0         0              1           0
3    3          0        1           0         0              0           0
4    4          0        0           0         0              0           0
5    5          0        0           0         0              0           0
6    6          0        1           0         0              0           0
7    7          0        0           1         1              0           1
8    8          0        0           0         0              0           0
9    9          0        0           1         1              1           1
10  10          0        0           0         0              0           0
11  11          0        1           1         0              0           0
12  12          0        0           0         0              0           0
13  13          0        0           0         0              0           0
14  14          0        0           1         1              0           0
15  15          0        1           1         1              0           1
16  16          1        1           1         1              1           0
17  17          0        1           1         1              0           1
18  18          0        1           1         1              0           1
19  19          0        0           1         1              0           0
20  20          0        0           1         0              0           0
   lactate dbp sbp    age score
1       NA  40  53   0.06     2
2     3.32  60  90 201.70     2
3     1.00  87 233  20.80     1
4       NA  57 104 192.50     0
5       NA  57 101 214.40     0
6     1.15  79 119 101.20     1
7       NA  11  14 150.70     4
8       NA  66 112 159.70     0
9     8.10  51 117 176.10     3
10      NA  58  84   6.60     0
11      NA  39  51  36.70     3
12      NA  63 132  37.40     0
13      NA  55  93   0.12     0
14      NA  54 106  62.30     2
15      NA  25  37  10.60     3
16    0.90  55  82   0.89     2
17    0.60  43  79  10.70     2
18      NA  53  75  10.60     2
19      NA  44  70   0.17     2
20    2.20  77  99  71.90     1

To apply the full Phoenix criteria to a data set, scoring based on respiratory, cardiovascular, coagulation, and neurologic dysfunction, can be done with a call to phoenix.

phoenix_scores <-
    # respiratory
      pf_ratio = pao2 / fio2,
      sf_ratio = ifelse(spo2 <= 97, spo2 / fio2, NA_real_),
      imv = vent,
      other_respiratory_support = as.integer(fio2 > 0.21),
    # cardiovascular
      vasoactives = dobutamine + dopamine + epinephrine + milrinone + norepinephrine + vasopressin,
      lactate = lactate,
      age = age,
      map = map(sbp, dbp),
    # coagulation
      platelets = platelets,
      inr = inr,
      d_dimer = d_dimer,
      fibrinogen = fibrinogen,
    # neurologic
      gcs = gcs_total,
      fixed_pupils = as.integer(pupil == "both-fixed"),
    data = sepsis
'data.frame':   20 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ phoenix_respiratory_score   : int  0 3 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 ...
 $ phoenix_cardiovascular_score: int  2 2 1 0 0 1 4 0 3 0 ...
 $ phoenix_coagulation_score   : int  1 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 ...
 $ phoenix_neurologic_score    : int  0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 ...
 $ phoenix_sepsis_score        : int  3 7 6 1 0 7 9 1 8 4 ...
 $ phoenix_sepsis              : int  1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ...
 $ phoenix_septic_shock        : int  1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ...

The return from phoenix is a data.frame with the individual organ dysfunction scores, the total Phoenix score, an indicator for Phoenix Sepsis (a score of 2 or more points), and an indicator for Phoenix septic shock (a score of 2 or more points with at least one cardiovascular dysfunction point).

Additionally there is a Phoenix-8 scoring which extends the Phoenix scoring to include endocrine, immunologic, renal, and hepatic organ dysfunction scores and is implemented in the function phoenix8.


Python module

A python module is available on PyPi. It mirrors the function of the R package closely and contains the same example data set.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import importlib.resources
import phoenix as phx

path = importlib.resources.files('phoenix')
sepsis = pd.read_csv(path.joinpath('data').joinpath('sepsis.csv'))

Scoring the cardiovascular dysfunction:

py_card = phx.phoenix_cardiovascular(
    vasoactives = sepsis["dobutamine"] + sepsis["dopamine"] +
                  sepsis["epinephrine"] + sepsis["milrinone"] +
                  sepsis["norepinephrine"] + sepsis["vasopressin"],
    lactate = sepsis["lactate"],
    age = sepsis["age"],
    map =["sbp"], sepsis["dbp"])
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
[2 2 1 0 0 1 4 0 3 0 3 0 0 2 3 2 2 2 2 1]

Scoring the Phoenix criteria:

py_phoenix_scores = phx.phoenix(
    # resp
    pf_ratio = sepsis["pao2"] / sepsis["fio2"],
    sf_ratio = np.where(sepsis["spo2"] <= 97, sepsis["spo2"] / sepsis["fio2"], np.nan),
    imv      = sepsis["vent"],
    other_respiratory_support = (sepsis["fio2"] > 0.21).astype(int).to_numpy(),
    # cardio
    vasoactives = sepsis["dobutamine"] + sepsis["dopamine"] +
                  sepsis["epinephrine"] + sepsis["milrinone"] +
                  sepsis["norepinephrine"] + sepsis["vasopressin"],
    lactate = sepsis["lactate"],
    age = sepsis["age"],
    map =["sbp"], sepsis["dbp"]),
    # coag
    platelets = sepsis['platelets'],
    inr = sepsis['inr'],
    d_dimer = sepsis['d_dimer'],
    fibrinogen = sepsis['fibrinogen'],
    # neuro
    gcs = sepsis["gcs_total"],
    fixed_pupils = (sepsis["pupil"] == "both-fixed").astype(int),
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 20 entries, 0 to 19
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column                        Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------                        --------------  -----
 0   phoenix_respiratory_score     20 non-null     int64
 1   phoenix_cardiovascular_score  20 non-null     int64
 2   phoenix_coagulation_score     20 non-null     int64
 3   phoenix_neurologic_score      20 non-null     int64
 4   phoenix_sepsis_score          20 non-null     int64
 5   phoenix_sepsis                20 non-null     int64
 6   phoenix_septic_shock          20 non-null     int64
dtypes: int64(7)
memory usage: 1.2 KB
   phoenix_respiratory_score  ...  phoenix_septic_shock
0                          0  ...                     1
1                          3  ...                     1
2                          3  ...                     1
3                          0  ...                     0
4                          0  ...                     0

[5 rows x 7 columns]


If you are interested in researching pediatric sepsis then the Phoenix criteria will be an important part of your research for the forseeable future. The R pacakge, Python module, and example SQL code have been provided to simplify the implementation of the Phoenix criteria.