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BMI for age quantile, distribution, and zscore function based on LMS data from the CDC and WHO.


p_bmi_for_age(q, male, age, source = getOption("pedbp_pgs_source", "CDC"), ...)

q_bmi_for_age(p, male, age, source = getOption("pedbp_pgs_source", "CDC"), ...)

z_bmi_for_age(q, male, age, source = getOption("pedbp_pgs_source", "CDC"), ...)



a vector of quantiles


integer value, 1 = male, 0 = female


numeric age, in months


a character string denoting the data source providing the parameters needed for the estimate. Valid values are "CDC" and "WHO". This can be set explicitly, or by using the pedbp_pgs_source option.


pass through


a vector of probabilities


p_ method return values from the estimated distribution function.

q_ methods return values from the estimated quantile function.

z_ methods return standard scores.


CDC Recommends using WHO growth charts for infants and children ages 0 to 2 years of age in the U.S. and CDC growth charts to monitor growth for children age 2 years and older in the U.S.


# The 54th quantile BMI (kg * m^(-2)) for a six year (72 month) old female
# is
bmi <- q_bmi_for_age(p = 0.54, male = 0, age = 72.0)
all.equal(p_bmi_for_age(q = bmi, male = 0, age = 72), 0.54)
#> [1] TRUE
all.equal(z_bmi_for_age(q = bmi, male = 0, age = 72), qnorm(0.54))
#> [1] TRUE

# Find the 29th percentile for females from ages 0 through 6 years in three
# month increments.  Sourcing the only CDC will generate a warning;
# suppressed in this example.
ages <- seq(0, 72, by = 1)
bmi_29 <-
    age = ages
  , "CDC"     = suppressWarnings(q_bmi_for_age(p = 0.29, male = 0, age = ages, source = "CDC"))
  , "WHO"     = q_bmi_for_age(p = 0.29, male = 0, age = ages, source = "WHO")

    x = bmi_29$age
  , y = bmi_29$WHO
  , col = 1
  , pch = 16
  , xlab = "Age (months)", ylab = "29th percentile BMI (kg * m^(-2))"
  , type = "b"
points(x = bmi_29$age, y = bmi_29$CDC, col = 2, pch = 17, type = "b")
legend("bottomright", col = 1:2, pch = 16:17, legend = c("WHO", "CDC"))